Tuesday, March 27

Internet in da house!

I know there are absolutely no excuses for me not updating the blog, but actually I have been living without the Internet for over 3 months. How about that Robinson?

Well, it's back on. And I've surely missed it.

Some pics bellow are presented to show what I've been up to.

Street view from Kinsale

Me, discovering Instagram

View from a bridge - my local - Electric

Irish Symphony Orchestra 

St Paddy's Parade

Spring - Welcome!

All you ever need

Picture says it all

Fishy fishy!

Went to see a hurling game. Fastest game on a grass field

Blue lagoon - Ocean!

St Patrick himself

The most sunniest day in Cork - EVER!

Walk on the beach!

That's all for the moment.
I've to study English grammar.
 Have a test in Business English 2morrow.

Have a good night folks!
